Myofunctional Therapy: Improving Facial And Oral Health

Understanding Myofunctional Therapy

Myofunctional therapy, also referred to as orofacial myofunctional therapy, centers on the concept that proper muscle function within the oral and facial regions is essential for overall health and well-being. This therapy is designed to correct improper muscle habits that can lead to a multitude of issues, including speech disorders, dental misalignments, and even sleep-related breathing disorders.


Signs & Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms and signs that may indicate a need for myofunctional therapy can be crucial in addressing potential oral and facial health issues. Here are some common symptoms and signs that could suggest a need for myofunctional therapy:

  • Difficulty Swallowing Pills

  • Mouth Breathing

  • Thumb or Finger Sucking

  • Open Mouth Posture

  • Speech Difficulties

  • Tongue Thrust

  • Sleep Apnea

  • Snoring

  • Excessive Sleepiness

  • Mouth Breathing

  • Bruxism

  • TMJ Pain

Tongue thrusting can cause the front teeth to eventually become pushed forward and out of alignment by the tongue's slight, continuous pressure against them over time. When the front teeth don't come together or overlap when the mouth is closed, it can, in extreme situations, lead to an open bite, which results in an open space in the front of the mouth.

In children, mouth breathing can cause ADD/ADHD symptoms and developmental, emotional, and behavioral problems due to poor sleep from lack of oxygen. Children are also more likely to develop sleeping disorders as adults, orthodontic problems and relapses (the tongue actually helps to broaden the palate and keep teeth straight), and even cause permanent physical changes in appearance.


The Proper Position

The proper resting position of the tongue is against the roof of the mouth, but not push against the front teeth or press too hard against the palate. It should be in a comfortable, relaxed position behind the upper front teeth. Our jaws are naturally designed to be closed, with the teeth together, and the tongue resting against the roof of the mouth. If a child’s tongue is resting low in the mouth, their palate will begin to narrow significantly, causing the teeth to be crooked.

Starting Myofunctional Therapy early, especially in children, can guide proper facial growth and development. It minimizes the impact of harmful habits and promotes a balanced environment for teeth to erupt naturally. A properly aligned bite is influenced by proper muscle tone. Myofunctional Therapy ensures a balanced bite and lessens the need for severe orthodontic correction by preventing the need for extensive orthodontic correction.


Four main goals for each patient to achieve through the therapy process:


01. Nasal Breathing

Transitioning from mouth to nasal breathing for better oxygen intake and facial growth.


03. Lip Seal

Closing the lips all day and night. This supports proper facial development, balanced muscle function and benefits nasal breathing.

02. Correct Swallowing

Retraining swallowing patterns to ensure that the tongue moves in the correct movements to swallow liquids and solids. This helps prevent issues like tongue thrust, which can contribute to dental misalignments.

04. High Tongue Posture

Resting the tongue gently against the roof of the mouth. It promotes balanced muscle function, supports proper breathing, swallowing, and facial development


Mouth Breather

Nose Breather


The therapy involves exercises and techniques designed to improve the strength, coordination, and function of the muscles involved in activities such as swallowing, breathing, chewing, and speaking. These exercises are typically tailored to the individual's specific needs and spread into 12 sessions over a span of 4-6 months.

At your first session, we'll assess your oral and facial muscle function, posture, and any related concerns. Based on the assessment, a personalized treatment plan and a "kit" will be created to treat targeted specific muscle imbalances and issues. This "kit" includes items we will use throughout your therapy journey. Each session you will get 2-3 stretches or exercises custom chosen to best suit your individual needs. Typically, the exercises will take you 5 minutes and will need to be completed twice daily at home in between sessions.

Myofunctional therapy isn't just about exercises; it's about achieving harmony between muscles and functions. If you're an adult seeking to enhance your oral and facial health, myofunctional therapy offers a natural and effective path. It's important to note that the goals of myofunctional therapy can be tailored to each patient's specific needs and may vary based on factors such as age, existing conditions, and treatment objectives. The ultimate aim is to improve overall oral health, facial development, and well-being through proper muscle function and coordination.